Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The most challenging thing i ever done

The most challenging thing i ever done? It is when i left home. That's the hardest desicion i made in my entire life! I left home because of my dad. and until now, i'll still stand on my own. that's the most challenging thing i made..

Do not do unto others what you dont want others do unto you >> explain

It's the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." It is the ultimate norm of high morality in our culture. Sure there are other morals by which we live, but this one phrase embodies our most cherished value: that we should treat people as we would like to be treated.
We are taught it from childhood. We learn it from our parents. We learn it at school. But more than any other place, we learn it in our churches because it comes straight from the Bible. Found in Matthew, chapter 7 verse 12, it is in essence a summation of the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes from Christ's teaching. If you don't want to be ripped off, don't rip off others. If you don't want your spouse to cheat on you, don't cheat on your spouse. If you don't want to be judged, don't judge.
Now it's true we don't always abide by the Golden Rule. We often hurt others in ways we, ourselves, would not like perpetrated against us. Some of life's hardest lessons are actually reminders that we have treated another in a way we would hate to be treated ourselves.

How was the freshmen night?

The freshmen night was great. Why? Because Chicosci was there, Chicosci is one of my favorite bands. I am so glad i've seen them again on stage but unfortunately, i didn't had a chance to talk with them because they had to leave. Also, Mom's cake performed, they did great as well, and that Callalily, that band really sucks! I don't like them because of their music and their members. no!!! i really dont like them. sorry. haha!

also, the fresman night was great because of the students, i think they really enjoyed the treat. Me too, i enjoyed the night. Thanks to MCL.:)

What are the two values you practiced for two days?

The two values i practiced for 2 consecutive days are as follows:

  • punctuality
  • being active

I practiced being punctual because i always arrive at school 5 minutes late! why? because of traffic, but even if i know that everyday i will encounter a traffic jam, i still wake up late. For that two days, i woke up at 5:00am instead of 6:00am that i usually do, i will prepare for atleast 45 minutes and 15 minutes for eating. i allot 1 hour for travel time going to school, and that two days, i realized that being early at school is fun!:)

The second value that i practiced is being active in school,normally, i dont participate that much in class. But that two days of being active in school, i earned some points. Thanks to that two days! :)

How did you adjust to your college life?

How did i adjust with my college life? I know that being a college student is a tough job. That's why there are some things i need to adjust, like me, being very silent, how can I make friends with others if i will be very silent? That's why I changed that, that's why as of now, all my classmates are my friends already. Second is, I am learning now to be more responsible because I can hardly feel as of now that college life is a lot harder that my high school days.